About Us
Just 50 miles outside of Chicago in the village of Wauconda, IL up the picturesque tree-line driveway is Golden Oaks Farm. Golden Oaks Farm was founded by the Crown family of Chicago, IL in 1948, the passion for dairy is lustrous as John Crown's love for Holsteins. John would spend his time at the farm fueling his passion and laying the building blocks to achieve an over 70-year reputation for outstanding Holsteins in an urban location.
Today, the Crown family relies on a team of 16 dedicated full-time and several part-time employees to make Golden Oaks Farm successful both in the Dairy and Genetic markets. Our team is driven by the mission statement: To efficiently and profitably produce quality dairy product and superior cattle genetics while maintaining the integrity of agriculture in a suburban setting.
Golden Oaks Farm is known for breeding sound, well-balanced cows that have the combination of dairyness and strength needed to be highly productive while creating bloodlines with a strong maternal and paternal side to breed in the future. Our herd consists of roughly 720 milking females and 680 young stock, with about 99% of these animals registered. We aim to produce 19,000,000 pounds of milk every year with solid components. We classify several times each year and currently have 45 Excellent and 200 Very Good cows.
Most of our 1,600 crop acres are planted each spring and harvested by custom harvesters in the fall. Alfalfa haylage, dry hay, corn silage, high moisture corn and oatlage are produced on the farm to feed the cows. Winter wheat is also grown to provide both straw for both feed and bedding. Additional dry hay, straw, corn gluten feed and a protein-mineral mix are purchased to fill out the ration.